Pathways Behavioral Health, INC SERVICES & ACTIVITIES Assessment / Evaluation - Assessment is an integrated series of diagnostic and evaluation procedures conducted with you and your significant others to provide the basis for the development of an effective, comprehensive, and Individualized Master Treatment Plan (IMTP). It is an intensive clinical, psychosocial evaluation of your mental health condition which results in an Individualized Master Treatment Plan (IMTP) for you. It may also be used to determine recipient level of need and medical necessity for services. The assessment must be completed for all new mental health service recipients and for those with 12 months or more lapse in service. Treatment/Service Planning – Treatment Planning (TP) is the process of developing your ( ITP), periodically reviewing the process toward the goals of the ITP, and modifying it as indicated. The ITP is an individualized, structured, goal-oriented schedule of services developed jointly by you and your QMHP/CSSP that is reviewed and supervised by the LPHA. You must be actively involved in the planning process and have a major role in determining the direction of your ITP. The ITP must identify the goals, objectives, interventions, and units of service which are based on the results of an Assessment and agreed to by the youth and his/her parent/ guardian. Skills Building Training- services are designed to assist the individual with compensating for or eliminating functional deficits and interpersonal and/or environmental barriers associated with their mental illness. Activities are intended to achieve the identified goals and objectives as set forth in the individual’s individualized treatment plan (ITP). The intent of Skills Training is to restore the fullest possible integration of the individual as an active and productive member of his or her family and community with the least amount of ongoing professional intervention. Skills Training is a face- to-face intervention with the individual present. Services may be provided individually or in a family session. This service may include restoration, rehabilitation and support to develop. 1. Social and interpersonal skills to increase community tenure, enhance personal relationships, establish support networks, increase community awareness, develop coping strategies and effective functioning in the individual’s social environment, including home, work and school. 2. Daily living skills to improve self-management of symptoms that interfere with a person’s daily living. Supporting the individual with development and implementation of daily living skills and daily routines necessary to remain in home, school, work and community. Routine Case Management (RCM)- A collaborative process of assessment, planning, coordinating, evaluating, and advocating to ensure a person or family has their unique needs met. This could refer to the overall approach of treatment or to a particular person’s task on a treatment team. RCM is a face- to-face intervention with the LAR present; however, family, or other collaterals may also be involved. This service may include the following components: Assist the individual and family members or other collaterals to identify strategies or treatment options associated with the individual’s mental illness, with the goal of minimizing the negative effects of mental illness symptoms or emotional disturbances or associated environmental stressors which interfere with: The individual’s daily living, Financial management, Housing, Academic and/or employment progress, 16